Four Ingredient Chocolate Coconut Rum Mousse

December 18, 2022 by No Comments

I should make a habit of writing blog posts right after I finish eating the food I’m talking about. It’s pretty inspiring, let me tell ya. I just enjoyed the most decadent little serving of adult chocolate pudding and my life might never be the same.

And did I mention that it only has four ingredients? Coconut cream, chocolate, salt… and RUM. No one is surprised by that last one.

In our house, desserts are often present, but sometimes it is limiting when you’re a household of two – that amazing cake will be a lot less fun on the 7th day of eating it! So we try to make smaller desserts that we can go through in a couple of days without getting tired of them.

The good news about this dessert is, though, it’s so easy that it’s great for a group of up to six – and great for a small family, as well. These adorable little mousse pots will keep for several days in the fridge when covered in plastic wrap. But they’re so easy, you won’t feel even a hint of regret if your fam (or dinner party) polishes them all off in a few minutes. They’re that easy, and they’re that good!

And best of all – they’re good for so many types of diets. They’re already gluten free. Simply use dairy free chocolate to make them vegan.

I’m just stoked that they turned out so well. There’s two servings left in the fridge and I’m working from home tomorrow – let’s see if they make it until dinner time

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