Hilarious Mushroom Based Interaction At Mt Tabor!

May 10, 2023 by No Comments

Found on the missed connections section of Portland’s Craigslist. This is certainly not a romantic interaction where two ships passed in the night, unfortunately never to meet again.

Instead it does involve a proposition, but not one you would expect.

The poster of this missed connection is clearly very angry at what happened. Angry enough to make a missed connections post on Craigslist, but at the same time not angry enough to confront the strange man who offered to sell him/her mushrooms at Mt Tabor. However, as the man seemed so unhinged, maybe this wasn’t the worst way to approach the situation after all.

As you can see, the whole interaction is simply bizarre. A cold calling salesmen approaches two people offering to sell them mushrooms in Mt Tabor park. This is already quite weird. However, the sudden mood change and threat of violence is very odd, but perhaps some people simply cannot handle rejection? The salesman also did not seem bothered than parents and children were in the park and was willing to offend anyone and everyone who could hear.

Perhaps the funniest thing is that this whole incident was recorded on a Craigslist post with the final comment being “your customer service needs work”. As if this was an interaction with a professional or business.

Have you ever had a strange interaction like this? Let us know in the comments.