Irony as Denver Department of Transportation Car CRASHES into bike lane

June 27, 2023 by No Comments

If there was a news piece that could win the ironic story of the day award, then this would certainly be it. Today, in Denver, a Department of Transportation Car crashed into a bike lane and cleared various cones and barriers in the process. Although this wasn’t the biggest crash in the world, it was still stained with irony for obvious reasons. Realistically, you couldn’t make this up either and probably won’t see anything like this again for decades.

This didn’t go unnoticed with Denver residents either, as one joked, “Denver Transportation and Infrastructure testing out the new safety barriers on Franklin. They work!” This caption hilariously accompanied the image below.

Another local speculated, “Maybe it was an inside job? Like have the DOT crash into an unprotected bike lane to turn it into a protected lane.” Thinking about it, this actually wouldn’t be a terrible theory – if not for the damage caused to the car which makes it null and void. Others joked that this wasn’t a legal parking site – whereas more serious responses blamed the DOT for poor city planning.

All jokes aside, this could have actually ended badly had a cyclist been using the lane. Thankfully though, this wasn’t the case. Since the incident, Denver Transportation and Infrastructure have been contacted to give their thoughts on the crash but have yet to comment.