We have about 17 different types of nuts in the house right now, so I decided to play around with Read More

We have about 17 different types of nuts in the house right now, so I decided to play around with Read More

Dave made this cake for a July 4 celebration at our friends’ house, and I am pretty sure it is Read More

Dave made this cake for a July 4 celebration at our friends’ house, and I am pretty sure it is Read More

If I had to sum up the past weekend in one picture, this would be it: Everything about this weekend Read More

If I had to sum up the past weekend in one picture, this would be it: Everything about this weekend Read More

Ever since I made homemade puff pastry again a few weeks ago, we’ve been pondering when to make this apple Read More

Ever since I made homemade puff pastry again a few weeks ago, we’ve been pondering when to make this apple Read More

I think Dave put it well when we were out to dinner on Friday night. We needed a weekend where Read More

I think Dave put it well when we were out to dinner on Friday night. We needed a weekend where Read More

When we bought our house just over a year ago, there was one funny-looking plant in the raised beds in Read More

When we bought our house just over a year ago, there was one funny-looking plant in the raised beds in Read More

I think beef and barley is the normal combination. And while I had about 8 different types of grain on Read More

I think beef and barley is the normal combination. And while I had about 8 different types of grain on Read More

Okay, one more – this recipe was so good that I couldn’t hang on to it for next week. I Read More

Okay, one more – this recipe was so good that I couldn’t hang on to it for next week. I Read More

Well, it’s been another crazy week! I am loving my new job – I feel like I’ve learned so much Read More

Well, it’s been another crazy week! I am loving my new job – I feel like I’ve learned so much Read More

Hello from my house. It is a beautiful afternoon all of a sudden – after lots of rain, the clouds Read More

Hello from my house. It is a beautiful afternoon all of a sudden – after lots of rain, the clouds Read More