Yes, caprese gets quotation marks. It’s not exactly a caprese, but I just made a little substitution. How was everyone’s Read More

Yes, caprese gets quotation marks. It’s not exactly a caprese, but I just made a little substitution. How was everyone’s Read More

Happy Sunday eve, everyone. We are watching Game of Thrones and I feel an addiction coming on. Dave and I Read More

Happy Sunday eve, everyone. We are watching Game of Thrones and I feel an addiction coming on. Dave and I Read More

Boy, tonight was a flurry of culinary creativity. After a week’s worth of very busy days, I needed to be Read More

Boy, tonight was a flurry of culinary creativity. After a week’s worth of very busy days, I needed to be Read More

I just biked home in the warm, steady spring rain. It was about a 30 minute ride… and I loved Read More

I just biked home in the warm, steady spring rain. It was about a 30 minute ride… and I loved Read More

Annnnd we’re back! It’s been a very busy week; the kind of week that means blog activities may have to Read More

Annnnd we’re back! It’s been a very busy week; the kind of week that means blog activities may have to Read More

Is that the greatest name for a pie ever, or what??? (Thanks to my IG friend @aboyandhiscity for the brilliant Read More

Is that the greatest name for a pie ever, or what??? (Thanks to my IG friend @aboyandhiscity for the brilliant Read More

My husband always says (I’m paraphrasing a bit) that there’s nothing so good and so underrated as a well-cooked piece Read More

My husband always says (I’m paraphrasing a bit) that there’s nothing so good and so underrated as a well-cooked piece Read More

Happy Friday, people! Let’s all make plans to make donuts tomorrow, whaddaya think? As if you needed convincing. These donuts Read More

Happy Friday, people! Let’s all make plans to make donuts tomorrow, whaddaya think? As if you needed convincing. These donuts Read More

Ok, I’ve been vacationing pretty hard the past few weeks, and fighting off a midsummer cold as well, but I’m Read More

Ok, I’ve been vacationing pretty hard the past few weeks, and fighting off a midsummer cold as well, but I’m Read More

I am not normally a veggie burger person. While I do try to eat meat only a couple of times Read More

I am not normally a veggie burger person. While I do try to eat meat only a couple of times Read More