I’m so excited to show off the first meal that we made from Jerusalem. This cookbook is so amazing. I Read More

I’m so excited to show off the first meal that we made from Jerusalem. This cookbook is so amazing. I Read More

I may be very busy lately, but you’re kidding yourself if you think that I’d miss posting a Cocktail Diaries Read More

I may be very busy lately, but you’re kidding yourself if you think that I’d miss posting a Cocktail Diaries Read More

Yeah, that’s right. Moar kale. I think we’re hooked. I never thought it would be me that was a kale Read More

Yeah, that’s right. Moar kale. I think we’re hooked. I never thought it would be me that was a kale Read More

Yeah! Two blog posts this week already! That feels good. I’m still working on getting back in the groove after Read More

Yeah! Two blog posts this week already! That feels good. I’m still working on getting back in the groove after Read More

This is what we ate for dinner tonight. Normally I don’t turn around and post stuff this quickly. But I’m Read More

This is what we ate for dinner tonight. Normally I don’t turn around and post stuff this quickly. But I’m Read More

It is so freaking hot in Portland right now. It has been for a couple of weeks – temperatures in Read More

It is so freaking hot in Portland right now. It has been for a couple of weeks – temperatures in Read More

What day is it? Do you ever have that feeling? I think it is a feeling I have often on Read More

What day is it? Do you ever have that feeling? I think it is a feeling I have often on Read More

Yes indeed, another week, another cocktail diaries post. I’m on a roll! And I am really excited about today’s cocktail. Read More

Yes indeed, another week, another cocktail diaries post. I’m on a roll! And I am really excited about today’s cocktail. Read More

Hello from Texas! As you may have noticed, I have not been good at posting the last couple of days. Read More

Hello from Texas! As you may have noticed, I have not been good at posting the last couple of days. Read More

I’ve been meaning to get a bottle of St. Germain to play with for a long time. Many times I’ve Read More

I’ve been meaning to get a bottle of St. Germain to play with for a long time. Many times I’ve Read More