Boy, we are lucky to live in Oregon. For so many reasons… but readers of this blog/people that know me Read More

Boy, we are lucky to live in Oregon. For so many reasons… but readers of this blog/people that know me Read More

If you’ve been reading my blog or following my Instagram for any period of time, you’ve probably noticed the huge Read More

If you’ve been reading my blog or following my Instagram for any period of time, you’ve probably noticed the huge Read More

I think “grain bowls” – for lack of a better word, and including all the “Buddha bowls” and “Goddess bowls” Read More

I think “grain bowls” – for lack of a better word, and including all the “Buddha bowls” and “Goddess bowls” Read More

It’s another busy week in the Portland food world! New places are opening, we’re celebrating Oregon Wine Month and the Read More

It’s another busy week in the Portland food world! New places are opening, we’re celebrating Oregon Wine Month and the Read More

I read recently something or other that decried quiches as a tired trend of the 80s. How dare they! Also, Read More

I read recently something or other that decried quiches as a tired trend of the 80s. How dare they! Also, Read More

Oh my goodness, summer has finally come to Oregon! It feels so good, when the weather is this nice. I Read More

Oh my goodness, summer has finally come to Oregon! It feels so good, when the weather is this nice. I Read More

Tis the season for cool, fresh, easy side dishes, am I right? Nights like tonight, I’ve spent all day working Read More

Tis the season for cool, fresh, easy side dishes, am I right? Nights like tonight, I’ve spent all day working Read More

You guys. Have I got a power salad for you! I know, it’s been a while since I posted one Read More

You guys. Have I got a power salad for you! I know, it’s been a while since I posted one Read More

How is it already Thursday??? I swear, these days I get to the studio at 9 (OK, maybe more like Read More

How is it already Thursday??? I swear, these days I get to the studio at 9 (OK, maybe more like Read More

Ah, the daiquiri. I remember my first interaction with one. Well, with a certain version of one. It was strawberry. Read More

Ah, the daiquiri. I remember my first interaction with one. Well, with a certain version of one. It was strawberry. Read More