Portland Motorist Has Tires SLASHED By Portland Vigilante Group

May 20, 2023 by No Comments

One unfortunate Portland motorist woke up in the morning to find all 4 of his vehicles tires slashed, with a printed note left on the windscreen.

Even at first glance, you can see this is a group who does this regularly. The note is unpersonalized, printed on the organizations paper and has a website which you can visit (we have censored this as we do NOT want to link to them, although you can likely figure it out).

The note isn’t the best printed and the image is taken on a sunny day.

If you’re unable to view the image below, to summarize, this is a vigilante group who have taken it upon themselves to deflate tires of SUV’s (as well as pretty much any other vehicle on the road in other cases).

It goes on to say that the reason for doing this is to save the climate as these cars are killing people. All without realizing that the largest 16 ships in the world emit as much pollution as every single car in the world combined.

The tone deaf letter goes on to say that the person should be using public transport and that both hybrid and electric vehicles are also unnacceptable, before advertising their own website.

This is not just a group which is local to Portland either. Currently there are several organizations like this all over the world including Dundee (Scotland), Vienna (Austria), France and Italy.

We found that this started gaining media attention in early 2022 and has grown in size (globally) since then.

Thought You Were Safe? You’re Not

If you thought that driving an electric vehicle, standard car, or even ride a bicycle, would keep you safe from this group. Think again.

On the website of the organization it claims “Hybrids and electric cars are fair game” as well as “If you like, practice on a bicycle tyre first”. Obviously these people do not really care about climate and are more concerned about inconveniencing road users in the most cowardly way possible.

Their agenda changes from climate to safety of road users and will generally use any logic possible to justify vandalism of other peoples property.

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