Portland sidewalk gives message to homeless campers

July 12, 2023 by No Comments

Undoubtedly, Portland has a sidewalk camping problem. Not only does this behavior cause social problems, but it can also block off walking routes and create mess in the city. Unfortunately, many of these encampments last way beyond their legal welcome despite being illegal after a certain amount of time.

As a result, some people have resorted to threats of vigilanteism. This can be seen in the below image which reads: “Attention! No sidewalk camping! This means you!” As if the message wasn’t already enough, it also comes with a pirate skull and cross bones logo beneath it. Honestly, we’re not sure why this symbol is used and it seems quite inappropriate given the rest of the message.

This image was taken outside of the Glaser Bros warehouse but it is not known who actually put the message there. This was met with a mixed response on social media, with some supporting the message, whereas others condemned it and claimed that it was overly aggressive.

One PDX resident wrote, “Unfortunately leadership has broken down. This is a governance problem, and unfortunately the city, county, and state have failed us. So as humans we adapt to the situation that occurs when a place barely has a government.”

Rightly or wrongly, this message is commonly shared among Portland locals who are growing sick and tired of the constant problems on their doorstep, and as mentioned – if nothing is done then vigilanteism will naturally be the next step.