San Diego cyclists are refusing to ride in the cycle lane – And here’s the chilling reason why

July 13, 2023 by No Comments

Lately, a bunch of cycle lanes have been implemented around the city to encourage the safety of cyclists when traveling. However, you may have noticed that recently, many cyclists aren’t using their designated lanes, and instead are choosing to travel alongside cars in vehicle lanes.

While this undoubtedly frustrates certain car users – there is actually a reason why this is often the case. And, once you’re aware of it, you may have more empathy with cyclists. As seen below, you can clearly see a number of pins have been dispersed in the cycling lane at Fiesta Island park. Whether this was done out of spite or was an accident remains unknown. However, this gives us a revealing insight into why some are avoiding these lanes.

In short, bike tires are notoriously much weaker when compared to car tires. So, when you drive over these with a bike, there’s a serious chance that your tire will get a puncture. Speaking online, one San Diego cyclist had this to say about the excess tacks in the area: “I’m 90% sure this was intentional, rode around there yesterday and it was fine the first couple laps, then came around again and saw all this fresh glass/thumb tacks and plenty of people getting flats. I get being frustrated at people for your own opinions but that ain’t cool to do.”

So, even if you’re not a fan of cyclists, you’ll now be aware of why they sometimes drive alongside cars. Seeing as certain bike tires can cost hundreds of dollars too, getting a puncture can turn into a pretty big deal. On a final note, this also shows just how sadistic and spiteful some people can be – which is sadly more common than you may think.