These car stickers are appearing all over Hawaii – But do you know what they mean?

July 13, 2023 by No Comments

If you’ve been on Big Island lately, you may have seen a rise in certain car stickers. Specifically, we’re talking about ‘ainomoa’ stickers that have recently taken the island by storm and often feature on trucks. For some locals, this term is pretty normal and is used in everyday conversation. For others though, it can appear quite alien.

So, what does it mean? Roughly translated, the term ainomoa means ‘I have no more.’ Now, trying to understand what this means is a little more complex. In short, this can apply to anything, for instance you could ask someone if they have certain foods or good on them – of which they may reply, ainomoa. Why this phrase has recently made it onto the back of countless vehicles is beyond us.

Jokingly, some Hawaiians have even claimed that this term is used by trucks that use diesel as fuel. Therefore, they saying literally refers to having no fuel or money left due to the high price of using diesel.

Most of the time though, it generally refers to a way of life that people live by – meaning they’re content with what they have. So now you know. When thinking about Hawaii, it’s important to remember that there are a lot of cool phrases used that have a loose meaning. For instance, you could question why people throw up the shaka as opposed to a regular wave. Really, no one knows – and this is the same with ainomoa.