“What could possibly go wrong?” High Speed Motorcyclist splits through crosswalk

July 13, 2023 by No Comments

Earlier today, footage on a dashcam captured a crazy motorbike split through a crosswalk at break-neck speed. As seen in the video below, this truly is a ‘blink and you’ll miss it moment’, whereby the biker puts themselves at risk, as well as others.

In fact, seconds after the bike has passed, a pedestrian begins to cross the road. Without exaggerating, if this were to have happened two seconds earlier, the man could have easily been hit by the bike. And, due to the sheer speed of the bike – this could have easily caused a fatality for both parties involved.

This video was captured in Portland and as you can see on the left of the screen, there’s also a very clear pedestrian sign to prioritize giving them the right of way. Reacting online, PDX locals said, “What an idiot. Please don’t ever be like this person.” while another replied, “This happens all the time, but usually with cars. Two lanes going one way, one car stops for a ped, car behind the stopped car gets huffy and zooms around, hitting pedestrians. Its story is as old as time. Slowing down would help, but nobody seems to want to drive the speed limit.”

Sadly, this reaction is very true and when it comes to driving, some people just lack responsibility or common sense. It also shows that it’s not just car drivers who can be a threat to others, but bike riders are equally as dangerous too.