What a day. I am emotionally exhausted after the US World Cup game. I’m sure it’s my emotions and not Read More

What a day. I am emotionally exhausted after the US World Cup game. I’m sure it’s my emotions and not Read More

This salad was one of my favorite things I ate last week. Which is saying something, because last week I Read More

This salad was one of my favorite things I ate last week. Which is saying something, because last week I Read More

Man. Today has been one of those days. I had all these plans! And yet, some of them didn’t happen. Read More

Man. Today has been one of those days. I had all these plans! And yet, some of them didn’t happen. Read More

The theme of this week is getting back to vegetables. And boy, does it feel good. I don’t know what Read More

The theme of this week is getting back to vegetables. And boy, does it feel good. I don’t know what Read More

I LOVE vegetables. You may have noticed this. I especially love them in the summer, when I can walk into Read More

I LOVE vegetables. You may have noticed this. I especially love them in the summer, when I can walk into Read More

It’s the mooooooost wonderful tiiiiiiime of the year… and here’s why:1. It’s 80 degrees of perfect outside.2. Right now in Read More

It’s the mooooooost wonderful tiiiiiiime of the year… and here’s why:1. It’s 80 degrees of perfect outside.2. Right now in Read More

Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. I’m taking this morning slow with a great cup of coffee and breakfast. I was born Read More

Happy Tuesday morning, everyone. I’m taking this morning slow with a great cup of coffee and breakfast. I was born Read More

Hi friends! It feels so good to be blogging on a regular basis again. I love having a regular stream Read More

Hi friends! It feels so good to be blogging on a regular basis again. I love having a regular stream Read More

That is possibly the most fun blog post title I’ve ever written, except maybe last week’s PSA: IT IS TIME Read More

That is possibly the most fun blog post title I’ve ever written, except maybe last week’s PSA: IT IS TIME Read More

This salad is so nice, we made it twice! So far, anyway. I see more in our future if we Read More

This salad is so nice, we made it twice! So far, anyway. I see more in our future if we Read More