Ah, the perfect meal: It’s something we’re always searching for. Something that is filling but not heavy; savory with a Read More

Ah, the perfect meal: It’s something we’re always searching for. Something that is filling but not heavy; savory with a Read More

You guys. Where has 2016 gone already? How is it almost the end of April? This was my thought this Read More

You guys. Where has 2016 gone already? How is it almost the end of April? This was my thought this Read More

Lately, I am all about the power salad. I’ve been working both in the studio and at home on some Read More

Lately, I am all about the power salad. I’ve been working both in the studio and at home on some Read More

Lordy, I love a good, giant salad. If you follow me on Instagram you probably already know this, because I Read More

Lordy, I love a good, giant salad. If you follow me on Instagram you probably already know this, because I Read More

Ah, salads… they are the butt of so many internet jokes (check out the Women Laughing Alone with Salad tumblr, Read More

Ah, salads… they are the butt of so many internet jokes (check out the Women Laughing Alone with Salad tumblr, Read More

Well, fall has officially come to Portland. I turned on the heat in the house today. I’m wearing a sweater. Read More

Well, fall has officially come to Portland. I turned on the heat in the house today. I’m wearing a sweater. Read More

I wouldn’t let the true beginning of fall come upon us without dropping some new cocktails on you – though Read More

I wouldn’t let the true beginning of fall come upon us without dropping some new cocktails on you – though Read More

Listen, I am new at this whole “naming cocktails” thing. You’ll have to tell me in the comments when I’m Read More

Listen, I am new at this whole “naming cocktails” thing. You’ll have to tell me in the comments when I’m Read More

Tomato season is the best season. It’s not up for discussion. Unless you’d like to discuss how tomato season is Read More

Tomato season is the best season. It’s not up for discussion. Unless you’d like to discuss how tomato season is Read More

Holy cow, how are we already halfway through August? Summer is so busy. We’ve got barbecues left and right, outdoor Read More

Holy cow, how are we already halfway through August? Summer is so busy. We’ve got barbecues left and right, outdoor Read More